Scheduled to begin
10/5/2006 1:00 AM
Starts in King's Row.
Host: Deportment
Location: Kings Row - Yellow Line Station
Requirements: All participating characters must be female. Sk/exemp as needed/available.
Rewards (if any): Negotiator Badge

Event Description:

Ladies, are you tired of the "Boys Club"? Sick of being looked down on as "just a girl"? Well enough of that noise!

Join me, Deportment, in showing all these male chauvinists what we can do! There's a gang war brewing in King's Row between the Skulls and the Clockwork. I think we can show those boys what a real "woman's touch" is all about! Help fight passive discrimination and have some fun all at once! Don't be relegated to a "Legion Ladies' Auxiliary"! Power to the Legion Ladies!

(yes, I need a better catch phrase. I thought about using "Girl Power!", but...Spice Girls...ugh...)

Legion of Valor Signups: Deportment, Flame Bailador, Christmas Eve, Mourning-Star

Girls' Night Out - Negotiator



Submitted By Deportment

Event Description:

Once upon a time there were four beautiful girls who went to the superhero academy, and they were each assigned very hazardous tasks. But I took them away from all that, and now they work for me. My name is CT.

Theme Music

SUPREME CATALYST: They're all here, CT!

CT: Good morning, Angels!

ANGELS: Good morning, CT!

CT: Angels, I'm troubled. This is a picture of a friend of mine, Sergeant Pepper Anderson of the LAPD. She recently inherited a warehouse over in King's Row from an uncle. The problem is that it has been taken over by a gang of Clockwork, and the Skulls contest the territory. Is there anything we can do for her, Angels?

CHRISTMAS EVE: I could go undercover as an international news reporter and get some info.

FLAME BAILADOR: I could dress up as a farmer's daughter! And Bosley could go as my father the farmer!

SUPREME CATALYST: I don't think I'm quite THAT old, my dear.

FLAME BAILADOR: [ giggles ] Make-up, silly.

MOURNING-STAR: Oh! Oh! I want to be a race-car driver! VROOOM!

DEPORTMENT: Um, this probably sounds a little strange to you, but what if we, y'know, just go take care of it as...ourselves?

CHRISTMAS EVE: [ pouts ] Welllllll...OK, but it's obvious SOMEONE hasn't been watching the show!


[ afterwards ]

CT: Well DONE, Angels! Those gangs were put to rights and now Pepper can have her warehouse back.

ANGELS: Thank you, CT!

CT: The mayor even awarded you all commendations as negotiators. It was a very smooth case. One might even say everything went... [ cut to behind CT at the pool, as a bikini-clad model winds his pocketwatch and hands him a tropical drink ] ...like CLOCKWORK!



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